About Us

Located near the mile-high city of Denver, Colorado we take inspiration from the beauty of the spacious plains, and mountain views as well as the bustling, busy and evolving city.  

We wanted to make handmade gifts affordable to make, as well as inspirational to everyone.  We have it all - cute stuffed animals to functional learning gifts for kids (and adults who will enjoy them), as well as hats and lap blankets.  Designing and creating these gifts are a passion of ours, and we strive to make the patterns understandable and as easy as possible.  

Our schedules can be daunting, so the gifts are designed to not add to the stress of day to day life, and be something to look forward to completing.  They can be picked up to do a little bit everyday, or all at once depending on your time available.  

Feel free to contact us with any questions on our contact page.

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